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21 articles
BNC use on WaltioActivate BNC for French declaration
Change your email addressHow to transfer your account from one email to another
Terms and conditions of repaymentThe calculation is absurd
Forgotten passwordWhat to do if you forget your password?
DiscountsReferral codes, promotional codes and affiliations
Delete your Waltio accountDelete account and its data from Waltio
Free versionWaltio's free plan
Cancel my planHow do I unsubscribe from Waltio?
Add dual factor authentication on Waltio2FA - Authy or Google Authenticator
Add your departmentAdd your department on your profile
Download a Waltio invoiceAccess your Waltio invoice
ReferralI got invited or I want to invite someone.
Connection historyView all of your recent logins to your Waltio account
Modify my planHow do I change my plan?
Modify your email preferences