Hi there ๐
We have recently modified our pricing model and the free version of Waltio has evolved a lot!
Now, you can analyze your transactions and produce a tax report and estimate your capital gains amount if you have less than 50 transactions over the year, totally free.
So, even if you don't have any taxable transactions over a year, you can use Waltio to follow in real time the evolution of your portfolio and anticipate your next tax return.
This version can also be used as a test if you have more than 50 transactions over the year, but are hesitant to take the plunge.
Create an account for free, add one of your accounts (or portfolios) with 50 transactions or fewer, and then start getting to grips with the tool and test all the features that Waltio ๐
๐ก In order to have a fair capital gains calculation, it is crucial to add all your trades from the first one to your Waltio account. To understand why, please read this article.
If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us via the chat just at the bottom right of your screen! ๐ฌ
The Waltio Team