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Bitfinex - File

Find and download your Bitfinex transaction history

Updated over a month ago

Hi there 👋

🎯 We strongly advise you to set up an API connection between Bitfinex and Waltio. It is much easier. Setting up the API connection takes a maximum of 5 minutes, when downloading the files can take more than an hour!

Moreover, the implementation of the API guarantees better data quality and therefore the calculation of capital gains.

First of all, Bitfinex is by far the most complex exchange. Their data is in text format (which makes the automatic reading of the file very tedious).

It is therefore possible that the automatic reading does not work, in which case, do not hesitate to contact us via the chat or at

To retrieve your transaction history follow the steps below :

Step 1: Log in to your Bitfinex account.

Step 2: Go to the reports page.

Step 3: Click on the Ledgers button.

Step 4: Select the full historical date range you want to get and all pairs.

You have to download the Ledgers file.
The date format must be: DD-MM-YY (D = Day (day); M = Month (month); Y (year))

⚠️ Please respect the date format: Day Day Month Month Year Year without which we will not be able to read the file correctly ⚠️

Step 5: Click Export to download the CSV report.

Step 6: Drop your file on Waltio.

⚠️ Opening and saving a CSV file can sometimes modify it's structure, thus blocking automatic lecture by our program. Once files from Bitfinex files are downloaded please, do not open them or modify their names so that we can read it correctly !

Thank you.

If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us via the Chatbot just at the bottom right of your screen! 💬

The Waltio Team

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