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Huobi - File

Find and download transaction, deposit and withdrawal history on Huobi

Updated over a month ago

Hi there 👋

To recover your transaction history on Huobi follow these steps!

💡 If you have already set up an API, please download only "Exchange order records"

Step 1: On Huobi, head to Orders at the top right, then click on Exchange and Margin Order.

Step 2: In the top bar, click on "Order History"

Trouver et télécharger l'historique de transactions sur Huobi

Step 3 : Then click on "Click here" in small, in the middle of your screen.

Trouver et télécharger l'historique de transactions sur Huobi

Step 4 : Fill in the form

Trouver et télécharger l'historique de transactions sur Huobi

Time - Enter the date of your first transaction (or an earlier date) than today's date

Data type - Please check all boxes.

Then add your ID card and passport or driver's license information and a handwritten message.

Then click "Submit"

Once approved, you will receive a file with all your account data.

💡 If the form does not work, in order to obtain the complete history, please send your history request to the address including in your message a photo of you in possession of your identity card , passport or driver's license and a handwritten message (mentioning the date of your application, application for access data & the fact that you need the file named "ledger" in English). They will send it to you within 5 working days.

Step 5: Upload the file to Waltio

⚠️ We do not support the "Order History" file, only the "ledger" file from Huobi.

⚠️ If the file does not contain characters of the Latin alphabet, we will not be able to read it.

⚠️ Opening and saving a CSV file can sometimes modify it's structure, thus blocking automatic lecture by our program. Once files from Huobi files are downloaded please, do not open them or modify their names so that we can read it correctly !

Thank you.

If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us via the Chatbot just at the bottom right of your screen! 💬

Waltio's Team.

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