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Revolut – File

Find and download your Revolut transaction history

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Hi there 👋

This tutorial is only useful if you have made cryptocurrency transactions on Revolut. If you have not purchased cryptocurrencies from Revolut, but have a Revolut account, there is no need to include your account in your calculation of the taxable amount of cryptocurrency.

💡 Waltio only supports cypto-assets, if you have carried out transactions relating to other financial products than crypto-assets (gold, shares, etc.) then these transactions will not be read by Waltio.

All CSV files must absolutely be added at the same time. They must contain:

➡️ All crypto files exchanged

➡️ All FIAT files (EUR, USD...). These are your bank account statements.

➡️ Files must not be renamed

➡️ Finally, the files must cover the full date period

Waltio will merge all your files, you will only see one file in your accounts list.

To retrieve your crypto transaction history from your Revolut account, follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to your Revolut account

Step 2: In the Top Menu (Accounts/Cards/Stocks/Crypto/Vaults). Select "Crypto".

Step 3: Click on the cryptocurrencies whose history you want to download.

Step 4: Click Statement (which appears in blue at the very top next to Buy)

Step 5: Select Excel, then select the longest possible date range.

Either since your first crypto transaction. If the latter dates from 03/21/2020, you will need to download the file from 03/21/2020 to 12/31 of the current fiscal year. If you have already added your Revolut transactions last year, you must download the files since the last downloaded transaction, for example from 01/01/2021 to 12/31 of the current fiscal year.

If needed, repeat the steps for the other crypto files.

Step 6: In the Top Menu (Accounts/Cards/Stocks/Crypto/Vaults). Select “Accounts”.

Step 7: Click on the 3 points

Step 8: Click on “Statement”

Step 9 : Select Excel, then select the longest possible date range.

Either since your first crypto transaction. If the latter dates from 03/21/2020, you will need to download the file from 03/21/2020 to 12/31 of the current fiscal year. If you have already added your Revolut transactions last year, you must download the files since the last downloaded transaction, for example from 01/01/2021 to 12/31 of the current fiscal year.

If needed, repeat the steps for the other FIAT files.

Step 10: Upload all of your files at the same time to Waltio

Here are the main sources of error when calculating capital gains with Revolut:

👉 All files are not uploaded at once

👉 Files containing fiat transactions (euro, dollar…) are missing. Example: the euro file is present, but the dollar file is forgotten.

👉 Data is missing. Example: we don't have all your FIAT files. They must cover the period well since the first crypto trade

👉 Files have been renamed

⚠️ Opening and saving a CSV file can sometimes modify its structure, thus blocking automatic lecture by our program. Once files from Revolut files are downloaded, please, do not open them or modify their names so that we can read it correctly !

Thank you.

If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us via the Chatbot just at the bottom right of your screen! 💬

The Waltio Team

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