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Coinbase - API

Create an API on Coinbase to automatically upload your transactions from Coinbase to Waltio

Updated over a week ago

Hi there 👋

Please keep in mind that Coinbase and Coinbase Pro have different API generation processes. If you are looking to connect your Coinbase Pro keys, click here.

You now have the ability to connect via Coinbase Sync, to do so follow this article.

Step 1: Log in to your Coinbase account

Then on "Create API khey"

Step 3: Please configure the API settings

Set a key nickname
Then set Portfolio option on "Default"
Click on "Create & download"

Step 4: Copy your Coinbase API keys on Waltio

➡️ You can use the small button on the right. Everything is good to copy.

💡 Here are some specific information about the Coinbase API:

1️⃣ Coinbase's CONVERTs are very tricky transactions, as they are potential taxable events by the conversion into euros. While both options, to consider them as taxable operations or not, are viable. We have chosen the latter by default in our tool.

👉 “Convert” type transactions generate two transactions in Waltio.

2️⃣ The following transaction type is not supported by Waltio: Transfer between “internal accounts” (removed to show only cryptocurrency purchases, sales, and deposits/withdrawals).

3️⃣ Earnings related to quizzes/questionnaires/tutorials answers are not taken into account by Waltio. We kindly recommend you to add them manually by creating a transaction or via Waltio's format file.

4️⃣ It is possible to add multiple Coinbase APIs on Waltio.

If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us via the chat just at the bottom right of your screen! 💬

The Waltio Team

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