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Coinbase - API

Create an API on Coinbase to automatically upload your transactions from Coinbase to Waltio

Updated over a week ago

Hi there 👋

Please keep in mind that Coinbase and Coinbase Pro have different API generation processes. If you are looking to connect your Coinbase Pro keys, click here.

You now have the ability to connect via Coinbase Sync, to do so follow this article.

Otherwise, here is the tutorial to create an API 👇

Step 1: Log in to your Coinbase account

Then click on your profile in the upper right corner, then click on “Settings”

Step 2: Click on “API Access” and then on “+ New API Key

Step 3: Please configure the API settings

Select all the portfolios you wish to connect.

Click on “All” to give access to all your accounts.

Then assign the following permissions:

Dans les API v2 permissions, cochez les cases wallets:accounts:create ; wallet:buys:read ; wallet:sells:read et wallet:transactions:read

Check all required API permissions. Waltio only requires “read” permissions.

Required permissions:

  • wallet:sells:read

  • wallet:buys:read

  • wallet:transactions:read

  • wallet:accounts:read

⚠️ If you don't give access to all of your wallets (as in the example here above), the API will not work. It is essential to allow your key to access all of your wallets.

Step 4: Please scroll down and click on “Create”

Your API key and API secret keys will be displayed. Note that Coinbase will only show you the API secret key once, so be sure to copy the keys to a safe place.

👉 Some browsers may block some pop-ups, like Brave, impeding you to read properly your secret key, as it won't appear. Hence, we kindly invite you to change your browser.

Step 5: Wait for 48 hours

As Coinbase will disable your new API key during this period. This is part of their security measures.

Step 6: Link your keys to Waltio

💡 It is important to ensure the API remains on the latest version by clicking on the “Upgrade” button in case it pops up, next to the red square:

👉 The API synchronization can be disturbed by a VPN utilization, kindly check that it does not interfere with your connection.

Here are some information on how to manage your APIs on Waltio :

⚠️ If you add files containing transactions read by API, then the relevant transactions will be duplicated on Waltio. Our API gives you a choice if you already had Coinbase files on your Waltio account. It will ask you to choose between two options:

👉 Recovering all the data since the creation of your Coinbase account.

👉 Recovering all data since the last transaction date present on your Waltio account.

⚠️ You should not delete your keys or change the permissions because it will complicate the analysis :

  1. If you have already deleted your keys, then we will not be able to synchronize automatically. So you will have to create new ones.

  2. If you have already modified your keys, then we put them in disabled mode.

  3. If you correct afterward, you will have to contact us, because we do weekly synchronizations.

  4. Deleting the keys will automatically cause the loss of all modifications (recording of labels, prices, etc.) made on the transactions retrieved via API.

Here are some specific information about the Coinbase API:

1️⃣ Coinbase's CONVERTs are very tricky transactions, as they are potential taxable events by the conversion into euros. While both options, to consider them as taxable operations or not, are viable. We have chosen the latter by default in our tool.

👉 “Convert” type transactions generate two transactions in Waltio.

2️⃣ The following transaction type is not supported by Waltio: Transfer between “internal accounts” (removed to show only cryptocurrency purchases, sales, and deposits/withdrawals).

3️⃣ Earnings related to quizzes/questionnaires/tutorials answers are not taken into account by Waltio. We kindly recommend you to add them manually by creating a transaction or via Waltio's format file.

4️⃣ It is possible to add multiple Coinbase APIs on Waltio.

5️⃣ We use this API to retrieve deposits: Coinbase Digital Currency API.

If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us via the chat just at the bottom right of your screen! 💬

The Waltio Team

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