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HotBit - File

Find and download your HotBit transaction history

Updated over a month ago

Hi there 👋

Step 1: Log into your Hotbit account and click on the "Orders" button

Step 2: On the "Trade History" page, there are three options of "date", "pair" and "type".

A - Do your search by "date". As shown in the image below, in our example, we want to get the history from August 1, 2018 to April 15, 2020.

B - Then select the desired pair.s

C - Select type "All"

Step 3: Click on the "export" button to download your history.

The file is called "Data Report"

💡 Note that for Hotbit, the "fees" are not present in the files so they are not taken into account.

Step 6: Upload the file to Waltio

⚠️ However, we would like to point out that the exports provided by HotBit are unstable. Deposits and withdrawals are not accessible.

💡 Nous vous suggérons d'envoyer un email à l'adresse

💡 We suggest that you send an email to <> with the following information: why do you want to export, the exact extent of the desired history and your UID (HotBit unique identifier) . Without positive feedback from HotBit, it is then necessary to obtain them by another means and add them manually to Waltio.

⚠️ Opening and saving a CSV file can sometimes modify it's structure, thus blocking automatic lecture by our program. Once files from HotBit files are downloaded please, do not open them or modify their names so that we can read it correctly !

Thank you.

If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us via the Chatbot just at the bottom right of your screen! 💬

Waltio's Team.

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