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Find and download your transaction history from its mobile app

Updated over a week ago

Hi there 👋

Here is how to add your transactions made on the mobile application.


Tutorial to find and add your files to Waltio:

Step 1: Go to the “Account” page:

Then click on the history icon at the top right:

Step 2: Once you're on the transaction history page, please click on the export button:

Trouver et télécharger son historique de transactions

Step 3: Select the wallet then the widest range date possible to be sure that we recover all your transactions and click on “Export CSV

💡 Perform the manipulation a second time for your credit card transactions, if you have them.

Step 4: You can then download your history:

🪧 Name of the files to download:



Step 5: Transfer your files to your computer.

For this, we recommend emailing them to yourself via your phone.

👉 If you are on Android, go directly to your mailbox, and send yourself an email with an attachment.

⚠️ Files should not be opened, renamed or modified.

Otherwise, they will not be accepted by Waltio.

Opening and downloading a CSV file can alter its format, impeding our software's automatic reading. Once files from files are downloaded, please don't open it and don't rename it! File's name is critical for its deciphering's content.
Thank you 🙌

Step 6: Upload the file to Waltio.

More information about files:

1️⃣ Do not retrieve your fiat transaction history (the document: fiat_transactions_record)

2️⃣ If you want to download your transactions from the exchange platform, please follow this tutorial.

3️⃣ If you want to download transactions related to your credit card, please follow this tutorial.

Update on the progress of adding the API:

Following your numerous feedbacks requesting for the addition of the API, we have started working on it. However, we face two main issues:

  • The exchange's API only imports trades from the last 6 months

  • Deposits and withdrawals are not retrieved by API

Considering these limits, we will not be able to offer APIs on the mobile application in the short term 😕

We apologize for this inconvenience, and we have approached their service in the meantime to move forward. No positive feedback for the moment, we will keep you updated 🙏

📫 We recommend you to contact them in order to let them know the difficulties you are facing regarding the recovery of your data. Indeed, we are convinced that if the API request comes from their customers, it will be prioritized.

If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us via the Chatbot just at the bottom right of your screen! 💬

The Waltio Team

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