Hello 👋
You regularly ask us why Waltio creates two swap transactions on a decentralised exchange (such as Uniswap).
Why does Waltio create two transactions?
The reason is simple: a swap (or exchange) is actually a withdrawal from one crypto and a deposit from another crypto.
Example: I swap 1 ETH for 20 AAVE. In reality, I have withdrawn 1 ETH and deposited 20 AAVE.
When you add your address to your Waltio account, we retrieve the data from explorers such as Etherscan. And that's how they provide the data.
What do I have to do?
In most cases, nothing at all. Waltio will automatically match withdrawals and deposits.
However, sometimes Waltio cannot match a withdrawal with its deposit, in which case a warning will appear: Withdrawal to be categorised
This should be corrected by labelling transactions with the "Swap" label.
The Waltio team