Hello 👋
When analysing, the final step is to consolidate withdrawals to match your deposits.
💡Consolidate, match, associate or match transactions are all terms that refer to the same action.
As a reminder, on Waltio, each withdrawal must match a deposit in the event that the cryptos concerned remain in your wallet.
Example: You withdraw 2 ETH from Kraken to Binance. On Waltio, you will see a withdrawal of 2 ETH from Kraken and a deposit of 2 ETH from Binance.
Waltio may not automatically match a deposit to a withdrawal if the time between the two transactions is greater than 6 hours or if there are multiple transactions of the same amount. Waltio will not match your transactions automatically. You will have to match them manually by selecting the 2 transactions.
Here is a tutorial to help you with this step.
Voici un tutoriel pour vous aider lors de cette étape.
Step 1: Go to your transaction statement
Step 2: Select the withdrawal and deposit to associate.
Step 3: Click on "Associate"
🎉 The transactions are now associated and the "Withdrawals to be labelled" warnings will disappear for the transactions that have just been associated.
💡 At this stage, you can assign labels to your withdrawal transactions. To understand labels and their tax impact, here our dedicated article.
If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact us via the Chatbot just down the right-hand side of your screen! 💬
The Waltio team