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Vancelian (ex Rayn) - Fichiers

Find and download your Vancelian (ex Rayn) transaction history

Updated over a week ago

Hello 👋

Step 1 : Log in to your Vancelia (ex Rayn) - Fichiers account

Step 2 : Go to the profile page by clicking on your initials :

Step 3 : Click on "Get all crypto transactions".

Step 4 : A snackbar notification indicates that the user is about to receive an email.

Step 5 : Open the email on a computer and click on the "Download All Crypto Transactions" button.

Step 6: Drop your files on Waltio :

⚠️ Opening and downloading a CSV file can alter its format, impeding our software's automatic reading. Once the file is downloaded, please don't open it and don't rename it! File's name is critical for its deciphering's content.
Thank you 🙌

The Waltio Team

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