Hi there 👋
Step 1: Log in to your XX account
Step 2: Click on "Assets" in the top menu, then "My Assets"
Step 3: This page will appear, click on "Export Asset Transaction History" to download your transaction history.
Step 4: Select the correct dates and type of transaction (Deposit, Withdrawal, Trades and Fees).
💡 If it is not possible to select several types of operations at the same time, then it will be necessary to create one file per type.
Step 5: Drop the file on Waltio.
⚠️ Opening and saving a CSV file can modify its structure, which blocks its automatic reading by our software. Once the file is downloaded do not open it so that we can read it correctly!
If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us via the Chatbot just at the bottom right of your screen! 💬
The Waltio Team