Hi there 👋
Your overall capital gain for the year is taxable if the total of your taxable sales exceeds 305 euros.
If your total taxable transfers are less than €305, you are therefore exempt from taxation.
The exemption is effective if you have less than €305 of taxable transfers, and not €305 of capital gains.
⚠️ Exemption does not mean you have no tax obligations.
Indeed, even if you are concerned by the exemption, you must still :
Fill in the 2086 form attached to your income tax return which allows you to declare your taxable transactions. Once this form is completed, if you are under €305 of taxable transfers, the administration will tell you that you are exempt from taxation;
Fill in the 3916-bis appendix to declare your accounts opened, held, used or closed abroad during the current tax year.
💡 The tax calculation provided by Waltio will always indicate for information purposes the amount of your tax. For example, we may show you a tax liability of €305 or less. This will mean that, in theory, you should have paid this amount to the tax authorities but, in practice, you will be exempt.
⚠️ The tax exemption for capital gains in case of an annual transfer amount of less than €305 should not be confused with a tax allowance.
Also, if the total of your taxable transfers exceeds the sum of €305, you are taxable on the totality of the capital gains without benefiting from an allowance of €305.
For example, if you have made taxable transfers of €306, you are taxable on the entire amount.
If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us via the chat just at the bottom right of your screen! 💬
The Waltio team