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Full Tutorial 2023

Step-by-step guide

Updated over a week ago

Hi there 👋

Here's a step-by-step guide to using Waltio from start to finish.


1 – Analysis of your accounts

2 – Negative balances

3 – Your taxable transactions

4 – withdrawals Classification

Step 1: My crypto files

The first step is to fill in all your transactions on Waltio. To do this, go to the “My accounts” page. There you can find all the exchange platforms, wallets, and blockchains we support.

In case your platform or portfolio is not supported, you can use a Waltio format file to simply fill them in.

💡 Click on the “Waltio” button using the “Services” filter.

You can create your Excel file in XLSX format and upload it to the platform by following the tutorial.

To know: Our tool tends to a constant evolution, and we want to provide you with as many platforms as possible. That's why you can propose and vote for new features on our public roadmap:

Once you have found your platform, wallet or blockchain, you can choose between :

💡 If connecting your account via API is available, we highly recommend using it. It is a real time saver. Indeed, you will not have to add your future transactions on the said account, as they will be retrieved automatically.

For each platform, a tutorial is available to help you retrieve your API key or account history.

💡 Once your various accounts are connected, you will be able to have a complete view of your API syncs and files on “My accounts”. A message assuring you that your transactions have been successfully retrieved will appear at the bottom left of your screen.

💡 Important: It is essential to fill in all your transactions from the very first one on all your accounts to get a fair calculation.

Step 2: My transactions

Once all your files and APIs are filled in, click on “My Transactions” to go to the next step and see all your transactions.

This step, which is free of charge, allows you to find out if your transactions have been properly filled out.

If you notice a lack of transactions within your API or file, we invite you to consult the Waltio FAQ article of your platform to be sure that all transactions are recovered. Otherwise, you can remove your API from Waltio, recreate another one, and then put it back on Waltio.

We advise you not to modify anything on this page before running an initial analysis. Indeed, the analysis automatically reconciles deposits and withdrawals and makes many corrections.

The next step, “My analysis” allows you to identify the work to be done on this page in order to obtain your report.

To find one or more transactions more easily, use the transaction filter at the top left of the page. You will be able to filter the transactions by :

  • Platform;

  • Token;

  • Date;

  • Type of transactions (exchange, deposit, withdrawal);

  • Label;

  • Warning Type;

  • Transactions contains warnings;

  • Taxable transactions;

  • File or API.

You can also set the number of transactions displayed on the page, using the filter at the bottom left of your screen. 10, 25, 50 or 100 per page depending on your needs.

If you need to create new transactions, you can use the new transaction(s) creation page, available on the top right of this page.

This allows you to create one or more transactions at once in record time. Once you have entered your transactions, click on “Add” at the top right of your screen.

Once you are sure that all your transactions are present in your account, go to the next step by clicking on the “My Analysis” button.

💡 You now have the option to reconsider a taxable transaction as “Non-taxable”. To do this, simply click on the taxable transaction and click on the green “Taxable” button:

Step 3: Transaction Analysis

In this step, our tool analyzes your transactions and sets a price based on your number of transactions (2022 transactions are excluded from the pricing model for 2021 taxation).

For more information on the pricing model, you can read this article.

Let us guide you through this step-by-step analysis.

💡 Each step of the analysis can be skipped, however, to avoid having an erroneous report, we advise you to always correct the warnings before going to the next step.

1 – Analysis of your accounts

In this step, the tool verifies that all your transactions are taken into account.

2 – Negatives balances

During this step, the tool analyzes your account in order to identify the presence or not of negative balances.

💡 We intentionally only display negative balances impacting your capital gains calculation. That is, negative balances occurring on a token traded during a taxable transaction. Negative balances occurring after a taxable transaction do not impact the capital gain calculation. If you want to see them all, use the small button indicated by the black arrow.

Example: You withdraw 2 ETH from your account when you only have one in stock according to the information you provided us.

If you notice a lack of transactions in your API or in your file, we invite you to consult the Waltio FAQ article of your platform to see if some transactions are not recovered. Otherwise, you can remove your API from Waltio, recreate another one, and then put it back on Waltio.

You have the option of creating a compensatory transaction, which is a deposit equivalent to the maximum amount of the negative balance encountered on a token and platform created on a date prior to that of the first transaction detected as a negative balance on that token and platform. You can read our article on this subject.

You also have the possibility to correct your negative balances without going through a compensatory transaction. In fact, you are offered to download a provisional stock sheet in which you will find the origin of the negative balances. Once this is found, you can correct them according to their cause.

We have written an article to accompany you from A to Z in this investigation.

3 – Your taxable transactions

The Belgian capital gain calculation requires tracking the acquisition price of each cryptocurrency sold in order to determine the capital gain or loss on each taxable sale.

Click on a transaction to see the breakdown of the acquisition cost of the token traded.

The table below shows the breakdown of the quantity traded by acquisition price.

In the example below, the 0.066 BTC were acquired for €50,000.

4 – Withdrawals classification

The final step in the analysis is the classification of withdrawals.

In some cases, Waltio will not automatically associate a withdrawal with a deposit.
You will then have to associate them manually by selecting the 2 transactions.

Some withdrawal transactions may not have a deposit equivalent, so you will need to label these withdrawals.

By labelling them, you will be able to justify the nature of these operations and qualify whether they are taxable or not thanks to these different labels:


Negative Impacts on your crypto inventory

Taxable transaction

CFD loss



Hack or loss



Other loss












Add liquidity



Other withdrawal



Transfer between accounts






Add staking



Add collateral



💡 Here's an example to understand the chart: You make a cryptocurrency donation. On the withdrawal transaction, you apply the label “Donation”: This withdrawal negatively impacts your amount of crypto in stock (in other words, the value of your portfolio decreases) and the transaction is not a taxable transfer.

👉 Learn more about the use cases for each label.

Step 4: My tax report

You can now download your tax report generated by Waltio!

You can now view your receipts, disbursements, and overall portfolio value over time with the new balance sheet report chart.

Good to know: You can generate your tax reports for previous years by clicking here.

After that, you will be able to download your 4 generated documents:

  • The tax certificate: File, indicating the taxable amount and certifying the work done on the tool for your calculation.

  • The Bookpink ledger: Document to be provided during a tax audit, to justify the amount declared

  • The stock sheet: Inventory of your cryptocurrencies, for information purposes.

If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us via the chat just at the bottom right of your screen! 💬

The Waltio Team

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