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OKX API (formerly OKEx)

Create an API on OKX to automatically upload your deposits and withdrawals from OKX to Waltio

Updated over 2 months ago

Hi there 👋

⚠️ In addition to not retrieving all transactions, the OKX API is not reliable. Therefore, we recommend using only the files.

In order to use the API, you need to generate a unique API key pair, using the following tutorial.

💡 However, only deposits/withdrawals will be synchronized due to API limitation. Trades must be added per file.

Step 1: Log in to your OKX account.

Step 2: Once logged into your account, click on your profile at the top left, then select "API" from the drop-down menu.


Step 3: Click on "Create a V5 API key".


Step 4: Name your keys (use Waltio Key for example), then choose a password.

⚠️ The "Associate IP address" box should remain blank.


Step 5: Check only the authorization of reading, then make the verification by E-mail and by SMS, finally, click on "Confirm".

Step 6: Connect your keys to Waltio.

⚠️ If you delete your keys or change the permissions, it will complicate the analysis.

1 - If you have already deleted your keys then we will not be able to synchronize

automatically. You will have to create a new one.

2 - If you have already modified your keys then we put in "disabled" mode the APIs encountering errors.

3 - If you correct afterwards, you will have to contact the support service via the chatbot at the bottom right of your screen because we perform weekly synchronizations.

4 - The deletion of the keys automatically leads to the loss of all the modifications (recording of labels, prices, etc...) made on the transactions recovered via API.

⚠️ If you add files containing trades read by API, then the relevant trades will be duplicated on Waltio. Our API gives you the choice if you already have OKX API files in your Waltio account.

It will ask you to choose between two options:

1 - The recovery of all data since the creation of your OKX account.

2 - The recovery of all of your data since the date of your last transaction on your Waltio account.

If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us via the chat just at the bottom right of your screen! 💬

The Waltio team

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